Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Midnight Sun: Twilight from Edward's POV

OK, so we might be a bit preoccupied with the Twilight series around here. Really, we do read other things, and we will tell you about them--eventually--, but, for now, back to Stephenie Meyer.

The library received two copies of her new SciFi book The Host last week. Both copies were reserved before they even arrived. We processed them and checked them out in record time. Now we're waiting for them to come back to hear reviews from our first two readers. It's taking a bit longer because of that pesky World Studies paper, but that's over now, so we're sure to hear about The Host soon. If you've read it, we'd love to hear from you, but please, don't spoil it for us.

In the meantime, there are a few people who've said they find it hard to think about a brand new series when we still haven't finished with Bella and Edward. If you're of like mind, here's some reading candy for you all. Meyer has been working on a novel called Midnight Sun that is Twilight told from Edward's point of view. If you click here, you can read the first chapter, which she has posted on her web site. I've just finished reading it, and I'm looking forward to reading the entire thing asap.

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