Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Twilight: the movie

Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series has rapidly become a roaring success. Which is not a surprise, because once you open the book it’s impossible to put down. Bella’s portrayal of life in Forks is hardly a paradise, but as soon as she meets the mysterious Edward Cullen, readers will quickly be anticipating what will come next. With his messy bronze hair, topaz eyes, sparkling skin, and god-like good looks, how could readers not be enthralled by Edward?

With the series' success, it’s surprising that they hadn’t opted to make it into a movie sooner. However, many of the books followers are a tad worried about the movie, which isn’t difficult to understand because Hollywood’s book to movie record isn’t fantastic. One major example of this is the Harry Potter films. One of the main concerns is the casting of Edward. Robert Patterson will be Edward in the upcoming movie, however many of the series followers are worried that he cannot do the role justice. My opinion is very similar, but after viewing some of the fan made trailers, Patterson has begun to grow on me. Then again, most people who have read the books are a bit biased, because we have created images that no human can live up to, which is one of the books best qualities. It allows us to dream, but when you put that dream person into reality, it takes away all the perfection and beauty of him, and makes him, well, human.

The movie is set to be released on the twelfth of December this year. There is a lot of anticipation, but if you aren’t a teenage girl, you will most likely not be as excited as the swooning, screaming and fainting people around you to which I will proudly admit being one of. And even though I have my skepticism about the movie, I can assure I will be one of those screaming girls. Hey, we all have our guilty pleasures.

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