Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Welcome Back!

Due to my malfunctioning camera, I haven't been able to post photographs of the fine work Jim Quick and his crew have been doing in the library this summer. I'm still having trouble, but I hope to get photos up for you in the next few days. In the meantime, here's what's been happening...

The Willrich side...

The Willrich side is complete, and, if I do say so myself, looks pretty darned spiffy. (This is where fiction and biography live.) My new favorite thing is the beautiful Midland walnut mantle that Tom Rogowski made so that we could put the busts of Paul Squibb and Carl Munger above the fireplace. They look cozy up there, and will soon have a backdrop of Midland art. The Squibb map of the property is moving to Main House where folks will be able to see it better.

My second favorite thing is the new magazine shelving also built by Tom. Last year a survey of the students led to the purchase of several more subscriptions, and we needed more space to show them off.

My third favorite thing is the wooden letters spelling out "fiction" and "biography." Last year's students expressed a very clear desire for better signs in the library so that it would be easier to find things. We're making that a priority this year. Look for more of these signs as we continue to work on the Webb side.

Speaking of the Webb side...

This is the side where all of the nonfiction lives. Unfortunately, we aren't going to be done on this side until the end of September. We tried so hard to get good used library shelving from the Santa Maria Public Library, but it just didn't work out the way we hoped. So, we will not have shelves until September 29. This is not the end of the world. This afternoon, Cymbre, 2007-2008 library intern extraordinaire, put the reference books back on the metal shelves that we kept on that side. We'll also pull out nonfiction topics that folks will be teaching in September. And we're looking forward to firing up the new, efficient wood stove that is located on the windows side of the room.

The Computer Lab...

We still have a few things to finish, but the room is ready. We knocked out a wall and expanded into Jose Juan's old classroom. (Jose Juan's classroom now occupies half of his old classroom and all of what was the old computer lab. It's a beautiful space!) Phil began setting up our 25 new computers today. We have a new printer that also functions as a scanner and photocopier. You'll find all of the prefect, council, and captains boards hanging in this room.

We're looking forward to seeing you all in the library.

~The Bloggers