Monday, July 14, 2008

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

We promised a review of The Host, so finally, here it is. I confess that it took me a while to psyche myself up to read it, but I am really glad that I got myself into the right frame of mind. I loved it, even when I knew what was coming in the end.

For marketing purposes, this is Meyer's first novel for adults. It's true that most of the characters are adults of varying ages, most in their twenties, but this is a book that young adults can also read and appreciate, and it does appeal to a wider audience than the Twilight series.

The book is described as a modern take on an "invasion of the body snatchers" theme, which I suppose is true, but what makes this book so unexpectedly satisfying is Meyer's deft development of relationships between characters, some of whom live in the same body. It is at times a profoundly sad tale, and I'll admit that I shed a few tears. There were also times when I hadn't a clue as to how Meyer was going to resolve some of the escalating conflict within the plot. These twists take it above the typical sci-fi tale. And, really, it's hard to think of this as science fiction. Readers who don't typically enjoy a good sci-fi read will not be turned off by The Host.

OK, I know you're all ticking down the minutes until the release of Breaking Dawn so that you can get back to Bella and Edward, but while you're waiting, get yourself a copy of The Host. You're going to love Wanderer, Melanie, Ian, and Jared.

Hope you're all getting in some good recreational reading this summer.

~The Bloggers